Environment Model

I decided to expand on the environment design to enhance the theme of science-fiction. I intend to lean more towards a futuristic building that suits the style of the objects.

Mood board

Working out the new design:

Here you can see a very high-walled building with three levels and a walkway on the ‘second story’ (or the equivalent). The centre-most parts of the walls on each level have the wall design, as you can see above. I was thinking of adding mesh lights in-between all of these as well as the lighting that you can see above. The tall walls and walkway will only be added if I have the time spare, otherwise, I shall remain with the single story building and wall patterns. The main source of lighting from bulbs hanging from the ceiling will also be altered for the theme. The light from the windows above will be minimal, just enough to have some natural lighting present.

Thinking about having natural lighting from the ceiling windows being from low-key night lights rather than daylight. With these Light renders, I think I like having a low-key lit scene to set the mood.

After a test I realised that the mesh lights can’t be imported into Unreal Engine, which puts a major halt to the lighting plan.

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